
From Fact to Folklore Part 3 of 3: Casey Jones

To prepare this article, I've read as much as I could find on this subject. I have reached a conclusion that I'd like to share with you;  Casey Jones and his family got fucked!  Fucked by the Illinois Central Railroad.…

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From Fact to Folklore: Part 2 of 3: Stagger Lee

Stagger Lee was a pimp.  On Christmas Day, 1895, he shot and killed one William Lyons during a dispute which coincidentally, involved a white Stetson hat and politics (no gambling involved).  The blast of Stagger Lee’s gun sent the story…

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The Real Story of Catfish John


Catfish John was a real person. He was a friend of my Dad's. I resurrected him."    Bob McDill 

Catfish John is a heavy song that we should enjoy responsibly.  That means being mindful of the powerful sentiment expressed in…

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The Folklore of Dire Wolf

“A curse has hung over the Baskerville family for generations, ever since the lecherous Sir Hugo Baskerville met a terrible end while pursuing a young maiden across the Devonshire moors. Sir Hugo had his throat torn out by a fearsome

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Cosmic Charlie



The Grateful Dead placed some songs on the shelf to rest because they were too cumbersome to play live.  Perhaps they were too weird.  But, we all like weird don't we?  The last Doing that Rag was played October 26,…

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Morning Dew, Stella Blue, and Albert Einstein

Have you ever listened to a Morning Dew and felt like you were about to explode?  Have you ever experienced a Stella Blue that was so soulful it made the earth spin slower?  Of course you have. Otherwise, you wouldn't…

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King Solomon's Marbles

Fond memories are triggered by many things; driving by an old house, an old song on the radio, and of course, an old television commercial jingle. I am a child of the ‘80s so I remember a lot of chewing…

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Let It Grow

If I ever get the chance to call in to the Big Steve Show, I would ask him how the thematic jams developed.  These are the instrumentals and jams that reappear or become so attached to a song, they become…

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Saint Stephen '76

In the days of dialup modem, we had DNC: dead net central.  DNC was the virtual meeting place where folks across the country expressed their views on topics neatly organized into threads administered by the folks at GD headquarters.  I…

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